Letters III~the way, the truth and the life~ 12月配信スタート!!
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『Letters III -the way, and the truth, and the life-』
MS-009 CD-R仕様 ¥2,000
1.kani ka pila
2.Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus/主と主のことばに(Hymns Cover)
3.Play with little bird
4.the way, and the truth, and the life/あなたは道、真理、いのち
5.How Great Thou Art/輝く日を仰ぐとき(Hymns Cover)
6.When Your words are unveiled/みことばの戸が開くと
7.When upon life's billows/のぞみも消えゆくまでに(Hymns Cover)(Bonus Track/CD-R仕様のみ収録)
All Songs Performed by Tadashi Nakamura
except #4. Vocal by Kaho and Bass by Yuji Nakamura